
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dear God, Don't Let Us Melt Down!

Dear God,

I see this coming like white on rice.  I can sense it in my bones the way a small animal knows an earthquake or storm is coming.  But please, God, not here, not now.  I know I've pushed my little guy too far all day long.  MY BAD!  But please, do not let him melt down in lane 7 of the mega-giant Wal-Mart supercenter check-out at 5:43 on a crowded weekday night.  Please not in front of High-Heeled Single Gal in her pencil skirts with Lean Cuisine and pomegranate juice.  Please not in front of Crunchy Earth Mama with her wheat-free organic cart of goodness and her three perfectly content children.  Look, Lord, I know it's wrong to force-feed Skittles to a child who can barely function from lack of sleep, but please, I'm trying to buy us just five more minutes.  Please just let us make it to the parking lot before all hell breaks loose.  Thank you, and hurry.



  1. I love this! Thank you for posting this for all us mommies that tend to push our little ones too far. I love your blogs they always make me feel like I'm not alone. You're amazing.

    1. Thank you so much for saying that! It totally made my night! I'm glad I can write things that people relate to. Makes me not feel as crazy as I've convinced myself that I am! LOL

  2. I am sick as a dog today and can't process whether to laugh or cry at this but I can say "thanks you" because someday I will be "there" AGAIN and I will need this to pop in my head and cause me to take a deep breath and shove in a few more skittles!

    1. I hope you feel better soon! You'll be back to kickin back skittles in no time!
