
Monday, January 21, 2013

2013. . .The Year We Moved To a Third-World Country

We've waited and waited to tell everyone our exciting news and the time has finally come!! Our little family of four will be making some BIG changes in 2013 and we are so excited for the next year of our lives! You may remember that me and the hubs took a trip awhile back to Nicaragua that impacted us greatly. It stirred something up inside of us that we just could not shake. After lots of prayer and seeking guidance, we have decided to leave suburbia behind and pursue full-time mission work in Rivas, Nicaragua. We are stepping out in faith, knowing that God is leading us to be a blessing to other people because of the way he has blessed our lives All this week, I will be heading up a new series of posts entitled "OUR STORY", beginning tomorrow! I plan to reveal a whole new side of Miss Banana Pants! I will be sharing some pretty personal things that our little family has endured over the last year that has brought us to a place of making such a life-altering decision. I'm excited and nervous about "coming out" and giving my readers a new perspective of me. Speaking of "perspective", with new adventures come new projects! The sarcasm and parenting humor will continue to abound here on "Miss Banana Pants", but we will be documenting our upcoming journey on a new blog that we would LOVE you to follow. Visit us at Abroad Perspective and read all about our vision for the people of Nicaragua and how you can get involved!  Here's what we will be up to in just a few short months:

We are THRILLED to partner with Bethel Mission in Rivas to enhance their feeding program and found an education program for impoverished kids in and around a garbage dump area. Bethel Mission-Rivas was founded by a 28-year-old Nicaraguan girl by the name of Anita. On a morning run one morning, she stumbled upon a local garbage dump and her heart broke as she watched children digging through the trash for something to eat or sell. So much poverty, so much need, right in her hometown. She resolved to do something. The next day, instead of running, she returned to the local dump with food. Feeding 10-20 children that day, and realizing that this was the only meal that they had had all day, she felt compelled to return. The next day. And the next day. And the day after that. Today, Anita feeds 80-100 children dinner every night at a local building that was donated to her just one mile away from the dump area. They play games, sing songs, learn scripture, and pray and thank God for the blessing of food where it seems so scarce.  Many nights, she does this all by herself. We hope to change that. We pray that we can fill the gaps in this amazing ministry!

We hope to aid in her feeding program by providing the funds to bring more nutritious meals to these children, who most assuredly would not eat a full meal a day if it weren't for Bethel Mission.
 We hope to start an education program that will enable these children to break the cycle of poverty in their families. Most of the children in this area have little to no schooling due to their lack of public school tuition. They spend their days with their parents in the local dump, scavenging for anything that can be sold to earn money to eat. Most don't have proper shelter and parents who neglect their basic needs. Founding an education program or school would empower them with the knowledge and skills to find jobs, go to college, and escape the devastation that generational poverty has brought to their families. Education is KEY to CHANGE for these children. The financial support that we raise will be used on a school building, curriculum, books, and supplies needed to provide these kids the basic education that they need to graduate.

As well, we feel it is our mission to help the parents of these children be the best parents they can be. Many do not work, as they have no education themselves. Anita has already begun a women's ministry that reaches out to the mothers, teaching them the Word of God and helping to teach them a trade skill. The women have been very excited to start a local bakery and begin the process of "earning" money instead of scavenging through trash as a means to support their family. We plan to invest in the spiritual lives of these women, as well as start a men's ministry that focuses on the same things.

We know that Jesus Christ is the only one who can restore, redeem, and rescue and it is our heart's desire to bring our story and that great news to the people of Nicaragua. As we partner with Bethel Mission and other community organizations, we pray that we can reflect the love of Christ by becoming His hands and feet in the lives of so many.

If you or someone you know may be interested in the work that we will be doing and the lives we will be investing in and feel compelled to help, please go to to donate. We would love for you to become a part of our team of support!


  1. As if I didn't love you enough, this just kicked it into super high gear! I'm praying for ya'll through the move, by your impact and presence, and your journey as a whole! How stinkin exciting!!

    1. Thanks Falen! You're so sweet and your prayers are much appreciated!

  2. WOW! How amazing. I look forward to following along with your journey!

  3. Love it when God moves people to things bigger than themselves. Can't wait to follow along.

    1. I think if you can accomplish your dreams on your own, they must not be big enough! Thanks Digi Mom!

  4. Holy Big Move, Batman! There's no way I could do that....but it's so AWESOME that you are! basically rock my socks right now!

    1. Thank ya ma'am! We are super stoked to be doing something like this!

  5. God is so awesome and he knows just where to put people! This is soooo exciting!

    1. Thanks Alia! I think you are right about that! God is moving even when we can't see anything happenning!

  6. Michelle,
    I think this is awesome. I will be praying for you, Bryan, and your kids. I hope it goes great. Relish that journey.

    1. Thank you so much Mark! We are so priveledged that God has chosen to use us in this way! I know it will be the most fulfilling life just because it's completely dependent on Him!
